Excursion… the word usually works magic in my mind. Well it didn’t work any magic this time around. Many reasons for it. The most obvious would be the absence of the swell group we had last year. Not to mention last year was our first overnight trip and it created a lot more excitement than anything else. I doubt I’d have been more excited if my dad came into my room and announced that he’s getting me my own mobile connection with a Nokia N97 to go with it. But this year it was as less exciting as dad coming into my room to see what I was reading trying to make sure I don’t waste time creating blogs.
Well it did come as a surprise that the excursion, as it turned out to be, was as exciting as dad coming into my room to announce he’s getting me my own mobile connection. Not as good but good enough for me. Yet my mind did go to N97 and how wonderful it could’ve been… not to be blamed for it. Who wouldn’t want a mobile for her own use and N97 to go with it?
The room was better than last year’s the food was pretty much on the same levels. The value addition was, no doubt, the bonfire (and others may envy us from now) and the fact that we were in Sterling Resorts, one of the country’s leading holiday resort groups. The let down was the fact that boys and girls didn’t get a chance to travel together. As much as I fear this would be interpreted as a cliché by one and all I’d like to make a confession boys are the fun quotient of an excursion. They make sure there aren’t many a dull moments. Unfortunately we girls weren’t given a privilege of their honorable company. This I say from my heart as much as I said last year that the guys in the bus were a pain in the neck.
‘Twas fun anyway. Yes it could’ve been better but I’d say we were lucky we had this much. Among other things no one nauseated while coming downhill in our van… either everyone had the will power to get over it or everyone slept in all the bad quality sound in which Ayan was playing. Either way no one nauseated and it's good enough for us all.
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